Do you like teaching English to asylum seekers?

AZC Leiden - English lessons


Who are we?

we are a group of volunteers who have started teaching English to asylum seekers in the AZC in Wassenaar. In 2024 we were asked by the AZC in Leiden to set up new classes. The classes are held in the the AZC Haagsche Schouw every tuesday and thursday. From September onwards we have started teaching at the 3 oktober hall too. This vacancy is fhe location at 3 Oktober hall, Smaragdlaan 99.


you (assist) with teaching to a group of max 15 people. 

Who are you?

You speak English (non- natives are welcome too)

You like to participate in a group of volunteers and teach English to asylumseekers.

Teaching experience is not necessary

We offer

an orientation process in which you will be trained 

an interesting experience, getting to know more about the life and people from all over the world. 


time requirement

Once a week, but you can sign in via a rota so once a while is possible too.



please contact Zoey Breslar at 06-13067949 by text or WhatsApp

Als u naast de vacature op "reageren" klikt krijgen wij bericht van uw interesse. Er zal dan zo spoedig mogelijk contact met u worden opgenomen. Hiervoor moet u wel ingelogd zijn. Bent u nog geen vrijwilliger bij Leiden vrijwilligerswerk? Hier kunt u zich aanmelden!


Reageer op deze vacature


Dienst Educatieve activiteiten en ondersteuning
Met wie Volwassenen
Regio Mors
Organisatie AZC Leiden - English lessons
Locatie Leiden
Periode Van 10-12-2024 tot 01-07-2025
Frequentie Wekelijks
Code V001.074


Vervoer benodigd Nee
Ervaring gewenst Nee
Contract Nee
Reiskosten Nee
VOG gevraagd Ja
English Ja